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Thursday, December 16, 2010


yea.. there were STRAWBERRY MOMENT..
finally I went there, hmm.. overall not bad even It were not what I imagine before I went there.
small restaurant with the white theme color. big strawberry picture everywhere there.
I went there with my college jiimuii.. but my dear esther was not with us that day.
but never-mine next time go with you ya, no worries

★Pica time..

with her strawberry cake..

is going to enjoy with her straw..

said: the banana strawberry is NICE!

well.. that day I was in sick, I look weird la..
but I still want take photo with Carmen's cake..wee ^^v

Saturday, December 11, 2010








Thursday, December 9, 2010

raining morning

yeah.. I felt so so so freshing this morning, the air is so fresh..hmm.. like the smell like the feel..
It was a raining morning, the air at the high area is super good. tik tok tik tok..
the sound of rain drop down is just like giving me a wishes, It telling me that a brand new day is coming, and today will be a great day than tomorrow. after rain there will be a wonderful rainbow comes out with the sun shine. yea, I want get my happy life back. I will cherish any time that I used to go thought in every single day. I have a nice sleeping time yesterday, no nightmare, no headache, no cough, no cold and there were someone beside me. thank my cutie.

❤♫✔♦の★ rainbow ❤♫✔♦の★

12:21 am - I give up to you

when you need help, any time any where I will be there.
when I need you to help me, where is your hand?
there were no any reason or excuse for a heartfelt friend.
after so many time of rejection.
I get it. I knew it. I felt it. I understood it.
and I know what to do it finally..

I will learn from it. thnx.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A bad bad week!!

...was sick for one week, fever. cough. cold. asthma. omg.. it was killing me so hard.
scared can't be recover back and keep on ate medicine. finally I lost my voice and my sick become more serious and serious. I not dare to tell my parent about this, don't want they worry me. but I feels so hard. this fews days I can't fall in sleep as normal, cold and asthma make me feels hard to breath when I'm sleeping, don't know what can do, don't know can get help from who, just keep crying until I falls in sleep. I so hate on it. I hate sick. It make me can't concentrate to do thing. I not dare to call my friend when there were midnight already, I scared disturb them. I felt that I really so useless. Sometime I really admire my friends that who around me, all of them are so blessedness. all of them are belonging with their loves one. Even some unhappy thing happened at outside or problem they met when they back home, they still have a pair of ear listening to them, a pair of hand to hug them, console them, a loving heard to care them and whatever. at least they are not alone.
maybe because of sick, this fews day I keep on nightmare. I was so scared when I awake from nightmare at midnight. but I still have to be tough to face it and force myself not to think about it. argh!!! am I going to become crazy??? stop thinking stop thinking stop thinking....
Final is coming, I have to start my revision. but everything happened on me is just like baffling me. I can't complete what I had planed on time. worry but helpless...
I want leave from here! I really exhausted.. T_T

Sunday, November 21, 2010









学会尊重,学会表达,学会直接, 学会积极, 学会妥协,学会包容,学会把握,学会信任...


懂得珍惜,懂得倾听,懂得分享, 懂得牺牲...



Saturday, November 20, 2010



suddenly think of it, why? maybe this fews day my attitude was change or become worst.. can't be deny that, my attitude already change toward everything. I told myself I don't know why will become like this, hmm... is that I am hide out or self-deceptive? after think of this question fews day, I found that, yes I knew the answer.. last fews week I keep cheating myself, I not dare to face the fact, I hide myself deeply, I scared people found me. But I'm so suffer, really.. I done some thing that makes lots of my friends feels disappointed on me, some even angry me and don't wanna bother me anymore. Because I'm losing all the way at that time, so I din't care what people and how to think on me, I just hope the suffer life can gone but I don't know what to do.. I do regret on this, I also know that apologize is too late and useless, but I still have to say: sorry, Carmen, Jermain, Yeah, Kah mun, Esther and Jence. I will back to normal and prove it with my action. I really appreciate that what my friends done for me, I will remember and keep all the advise in my mind. sometime I really can't deny that, I'm stupid all the way. Thanks again for forgiving me.

yes, Alan.. suddenly recall back what you said to me, you said I'm not independent enough to face everything, always wanna rely on other, not mature enough to decide or settle problem. As a 19years old gal, maybe I'm still not mature, independent enough compare with other, but that is me for now. I admit that I am, thanks of telling and remind me. I knew I'am those person who scared be alone, even walking on the road alone I also will feels uncomfortable. I also knew that, I have to learn more independent in my life. maybe you will think that it is hard for me, as every time you said to me, I am "3 minute people". But responsibility, I will be independent than before. I will prove to myself.

my family.. my sister and brother keep asking me when is your holidays and when you back home, already nearly 2 months I din't back my home. I do miss my home, family. But I can't do that. happened lots of thing, every time the first thing come out in my mind is I want back home, in my home, I no need to think much, worry or bother. My mom ask me after final just back, because she is worrying me when I on the way drive back to home. lots of accident happened, make my parents more worry me here. But I will becareful all the way, please don't worry me, I will feels self-condemned. I always wanna attend in good fettle in-front of your, because I don't hope both of you worry on me, but whatever I do, you still the same, I always is the little girl in your mind. anyway, thats call love, thank of loving me, I knew that and I will always love you all

ok, back to myself. I scared be alone, but at the end I'm still alone. This is my life, I need go through. Still remember someone told me, everyone of us come into this world by alone (expect those twin-born), we also will die and leave this world by alone, that is origin, or ought to.. don't scared be alone, angel always beside us. yes, angel ar angel.. I hope everyone love happily, live happily..
before I back to my assignment, I have another thing wanna to share...
that is ATTITUDE.. yea, this word again. attitude is important for everyone toward everything. I have a game here, lets count from A to Z each letter have its number from 1 to 26.
for the word of attitude, A=1, T=20, I=9, U=21, D=4, E=5. how many total marks there??
everyone have your answer?? yes, it is 100. so Attitude = 100% see, it is hundred percent important for us. yea, keep it up everyone..

Friday, November 19, 2010

End up

it's long long time I din't update my blog already..
and there are lots of thing happenED on me..
about love, friends, study, and myself..
  • end up a relationship is really suffer me..
  • misunderstood between friends is tired me..
  • stress, presentation and assignment are exhausted me..
  • I was in mess, lost the way and under incontrollable situation..
I want END UP everything that!!
hope I can back to normal as fast as well..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

❤ Gentleman ❤

- Prisoner of love -
Only for gentleman, if you are not, please be... if don't wanna be, then you are failed!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I want MONEY!!!

haiz..this few week really "pok kia" I just realize that, " NO money NO talk"..lolx
should I find some job to get more "income"...last 2 months, phone was lost when I falling sick..I plan to buy a new 1, but the point is "money"!!! Hate it...nvm la.. at lease 阿珍 borrow me her mp3. thnx jence ^^ A lot of thing I want to buy..T_T sometime really envy some "rich people"..lolx.. Thus, I keep mention myself thats all are needless, only will waste money. waste money..waste money..waste money..GOD ar..when only I will become a millionaire??!!!

Last time, carmen geh bf said that, my lines of hand show that I am the gal who can't save money. omg!! He said if I got money I must spend it as fast as well, then I ask him, if I choose to save money and I can keep all in my bank de mah, how you say I must and will spend finish all leh? He said, then will have something happen that course me to spend money. should I believe? I start worry...lolx..I am so easy to get influence by other. cz the way he told me is so serious and look "some" pro. I should know he is not 蘇民峰师傅.. he is only the fans of 蘇民峰师傅 don't take it so, i need to prove that I can save money..but it is really have some money how to save money leh.. no..I have to find out another way..hiek hiek hiek..

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


阿珍! 生日快乐..


Friday, August 27, 2010

(27/8) regret...

I feels so sorry to my family..
sorry dad, mom, grandpa..
I was done a stupid thing again!
I worry...I be scared..
It is my fault..T_T
1 month to go again...suffer holidays!!!
hope lecturer don't be so straight when marking..
BROADCAST WRITING hope you love me..pls
don't kill me this time, seriously!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010



Saturday, August 21, 2010

100% 的天平,100% 的我

天平是本小姐的星座! 当然我超爱天平...不管是好处还是坏处我都爱...
" 对,对,对,超准的!!! " 接着我朋友就会说:"是你想太多了啦!"
可能那些只是针对大部分的人,那我就是那大部分的其中之一啦! ^^




- 外型优雅、亲切善良、朋友缘极好、喜欢听别人倾诉,沟通力又强

- 事事要求平衡,与别人维持深入关系是他的人生目标

- 最容易感到寂寞,许多时心灵上出现空虚。所以朋友对他们很重要,天秤女希望伴侣最好二十四小时陪伴着她

- 虽然分享是他的人生座右铭,可惜容易流于将自己的一套想法加诸别人身上

- 不喜欢决定,因为他们不懂如何决定,很喜欢逃避现实,犹豫不决,不知所措,不知道下一步可以怎样去做



天秤是另一种恒久活在童年的人物,不管年纪多大皆同,你在天秤身边必须能随时满足他们沉迷于剪纸娃娃、折小花朵、堆沙子、玩泥巴、办家家酒贴贴黏黏这类类似的玩意,不然他们无法在成人世界中生活。注意你们的天秤朋友,他们一定有一样属于幼儿园或小学低年级劳作课程中的兴趣或嗜好,并持续到现在且沉醉其中快乐无比。 天秤还有一个最大的才华,就是无与伦比的公关魅力,以至于当他们大约年满十六岁后(请注意是实际年龄,并不代表其心智年龄),男天秤会愈来愈像牛郎,女天秤则愈来愈像织女。天秤座也是完美的广播人才,天秤们即使正说着他人的八卦是非,也要随时保持着他们优雅气质的美好形象。而所有的事情,不管能讲或不能讲的,都将无时无刻从这些天生模范公关的口中流泄出来,且保证不负任何责任:天秤座的字典里没有错误二字。一只骄傲的狮子还会愿意承认错误,天秤座绝对死不认错;就算你亲眼目睹且马上指出他的过失,天秤还是会告诉你,错的人是你和爸爸妈妈,绝不是他


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

color.. color.. and color!!!

***I love BLUE color start from my primary school...
always think that, BLUE is the color which give me inspiration
BLUE is *sincerity *spirituality *relax *natural *royal
and the most important is SMART!!!

BLUE is No.1 !!!

But recently I found that,
Another color that which I used it very much!!!
for sure it's not BLUE
It is a warm color that everyday we must "meet"...
It means *cheerful *optimism *creative *energy
YES! it is color of sunshine.

:Am'I love yellow? " erm..I think no..."

But there was a thing that can't be deny.
When i wears any thing that yellow in color,
I will go lucky on that day..
So can I say it is my lucky color?

Happy go lucky!!!

I like YEllow!!!
but how about blue??!! T_T

Don't worry...
I like yellow BUT I love blue! xoxo

wee~~~ ^^v

BUT where is my blue color images??!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

10/8/2010 (无助)


不过不是每一次啦.... depend on the people la...
而且pr让我很忙,一大堆的assignment, presentation, role play 等着我...
在金宝除了喝茶,唱k 也没有其他的娱乐了...





Saturday, July 24, 2010

my story board - ah lun save by NIKE

story start~
one day, ah lun go to bukit KK jogging...
Suddenly, he feels "尿急"

and he simply find a place and "relief" it...

this moment.......

he done his "job"


"yee... what is that"

"argh!!! oh my GOD"


"help me argh!!!"

"shit! how good luck m'i"

"god bless me, god bless me"



"jump!!! argh!!!"


"ah har.... :) "

"'s ass so big argh~~ "



Wednesday, July 7, 2010

what can i do!!!

i was keep change myself to become better than last time....
how you cant get you cant feel it...
always blame me, i feels stress to face you...
i just hopes you give me more love and care than before...
i hide everything that unhappy in front you...
i train myself to become strong and independent...
because i don't want make you feels worry about me...
i was try my best every single day...
i wanna makes you feels proud in front of other...
when you show me your disappointed face, i feels i'm useless...
but i'm really put a lot of effort...
i know i was make you feels disappointed...
but why you can't just give me a chance?
why you can't look at me?
bad girl also can become good girl. you know?
why you keep show me your bias!
you said, i'm troublesome for yours always!!!
oh my god!!! who am i you think ?
devil? baddy? or terrorist?
i really hate it badly...
i always tell myself, its nothing...
everything will be ok, its just need some time..
but! no! no!
you are not believe me any time...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

DIY 美甲

DIY is much show how special you are,
show how creative you also can represent yours. creative am'i in this two images? kaka
I'm not pro in this part, but i think that it is not bad^^ agree???
for just a way to release my stress, sadness and bored...
i love those beautiful, cute and special thing. ❤❤❤
"beauty for your eyes to see" by rainbow

Sunday, April 25, 2010

START of something new long? or short?

who KNOW it?

do YOU still remember......

when you are a baby?

and do you know when you will GONE?

HOW you gone? is an UNKNOWN.

when the world is changing,

when you are getting old,

you can't to stop it, or pause it.

do the thing you never do!

( not include illegal act)

go the place you never go!

( even a kampung)

don't feel regret when something wrong!

( change is only thing you can do)

feel grateful because you are here!

( other is going die now)

be optimistic to face everything!

( sorrow will bring you to hell)

learn more to bring up your mind!

( use your brain completely)

help other who need you!

( think! when you are helpless, what you want.)

START it now!