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Monday, February 28, 2011

clean it out!!!

ya. time to clean it out. haha.
as people say, "have no ugly girl in this world, only lazy girl will be there."
every time I went to facial wash and do facial, those people always will ask me:
"how old you are?"
(they doesn't know that they ask before actually><)
I answer them the actual number lo.
then the same emotion, and word will come out from their mouth.
"aiyor.. your face look older than your actual years old, you must take care on it. you still young, if not later when you get older you jau cham geh la. your dark circle so terrible, don't always play pc... blur blur blur... .. ... .. ."
gosh.. don't know this is their type on sale product or what.
always hurt me like this. isk. ok ok, I am mature lo then..hahax

ok la. I want be responsible to myself.
take care on my skin. apa excuse ni, responsible pulak. hahax

1. sleep early
2. drink more water
3. less online
4. use skin protector
5. hardworking do mask
6. do more exercise

how many I can do.. hmm.. no more excuse. do it do it. hahax
I don't know do exercise got help for skin or not la, but at least it is healthy mah...
so consider la, the task one - sleep early.. well I will try my best..wahaha
that means can't go mahjung le lo,
never mine la, count it as save money plan lo.
task three - less online. this one can gehhh........
hahax. listen song can le gua. ok la.
do mask. haha. this one easy job la.

share my hardworking work. even it is ugly and look yucky.

black color mask. yuckS!

ok.. keep it up.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

your eye are looking into mine.

恭喜你. 祝福你. 我要你过得比以前更好, 更坚强, 一个女生在外一定会遇到很多困境不过我相信你能做得到而且是做得好的. 一定要加油哦. 突然真的好不舍得你哦. 刚刚坐在你隔壁看着你睡着的样子好美好可爱哦. 如果我告诉你, 你一定会说我变态的. 哈哈. 虽然没有天天跟你联络但是一想到你要离开, 心里总是有点酸酸的. X( 今天不太敢一直看着你的脸, 不懂为什么.. 所以你一定要过得好好的在那头.

离别总是伤感的. 当你们说起送别时的拥抱会让人情不自禁的大哭时, 让我忆起了那时候. 那种感觉现在还很清楚. 是真的很心酸, 不舍, 伤心. 不过有这样的回忆确实不是坏事. 当你回味时, 有种说不出的感觉, 而那感觉也不赖.

反复的听着五月天的天使. "飞过人间的无常, 才懂得爱是宝藏."
真的希望身边的朋友还是不认识的都好, 要好好珍惜身边的那位''天使". 不要不懂得珍惜还要伤害他人还是利用他人的真心. 如果遇到了就好好的珍惜, 抓紧, 机会不是天天都有的, 不要错过了才来后悔. 也不要给自己一大堆的烂借口去继绝还是装伟大和谦虚的抗拒你的天使, 不是王子才可以跟公主一起, 那是小时候的童话故事, 不懂得珍惜你什么都不是. 不懂得感恩你什么也都不是.

真的好想,"像孩子依赖着肩膀, 像眼泪依赖着脸庞. 给我依赖给我力量. 像诗人依赖着月亮, 像海豚依赖着海洋. 你是天使, 是最初和最后的天堂."

突然和位朋友聊起自己中学时期发生的疯狂事件, 女人真的是不好惹的. 哈哈. 想起以前自己真的蛮坏蛮大胆的. 虽然不是好事不过我喜欢那个曾经又疯狂又可怕的我和回忆.

不善于做决定的我常常做错决定而让旁人很不愉快. 可是我也不是有心要这样的啊. 朋友说我不能想做什么就做什么的啊, 有时候应该想想别人会怎样想你呢. 有时不是我不在乎只是时机真的是很重要啊. 而有时手心是肉手背也是肉是真的很让人懊恼的事来的. 可是每次当我顾虑到他人时却又被人家说我想太多. 想要说明白却又被人家觉得那是借口. 我真的很不喜欢这样, 我是真的没有那样嘛. 不喜欢多做解释的我只能静静的不出声. 因为当你解释后, 人家还是不相信你那种感觉很不是滋味很不好受很不喜欢. 或许我是真的不善于做决定, 而让你们烦恼还是不开心了那真的应该说声对不起, 请原谅我吧...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

♥ cny ♥

Happy Chinese New Year
Gong Xi Fa Cai

what will you done in your Chinese new year holidays?? my holidays is all about eat, sleep, play, accompany my parent, work, travel, shopsss and so on. one day 24hour is just not enough for me. haha.. no enough time for me to rest so. I tot in this 3 week sem break holidays I can sleep more and reduce my super dark circle. I think my dark circle was become more and more serious already. hahax.. whatever la, atleast I'm enjoy in my life. I love my home so much, my bed is the most. hope can sleep at home every single day.

My CNY is full of joyful I think. I get lots ang pau, I had won and lose when gamble or mahjung, I ate lots of meal, junk food and soft drink, I watched movie with my family and friends, I went shopping again, I gather with my buddy and sister, I sang K with my loving family and sista and travel here and there. I love my holidays so much. wahaha.. but time just pass through so fast..

The topic of me in my Chinese new year was -

: look fat already, you look so "circle". ( fat)
: got boy friend or not, show me photo. (partner)
: still study ar? what course you take, when graduate. (study/life)

This three topic was not change by every year. The same question I just don't know why people can keep repeat ask and discuss on it. but it is quite funny when you looking at their face expression and discuss this and that at a corner. ♥ like my cny like this.

This CNY my sister and brother were bring each of their partner back home and meet my family. The question start on me again. sigh.. people don't believe me don't have bf and keep ask me bring back. omg. I tell my dad is that I can get one more ang pau if I said I got bf.haha.. silent ~~ the topic was end ♥ next day the question was asked again by my other relative.. phew~~~

I like to chit chat with my group, we talk about gossip, future, partner, family, fashion, and even car we also can discuss until very high.haha. That day John and Alice ask me, when do you think you wanna get marry?? I was shock that when I think of this question, because I was 20years old, goshh... I am getting older. Then I answer them:" 26 to 30 like that gua but now still single maybe after 30 also haven"t get marry, haha." we keep laugh at there. We just discuss that who around us that they already get marry early can retire early and enjoy their life with their family early and yet who late marry have to work until they become older. haha.. this funny and stupid topic make us laugh and laugh. Next will be.. who in our group will be the 1st get marry. wahaha.. jeanie??? nicole??? maybe is Alice. who know.hahaha

♥ I am enjoy laughing with those cutie.
they are simple and funny
♥ cny like this.
♥ cuties posing
cute and look great. :)

♥ seven of us
we grew up together from baby till now
normally people call us "七龙珠" wahaha..

♥ sister with her "ah bii", pretty and handsome at the middle, brother with her "ling ling"
all about

♥ we sending the wish to the sky
hope our dream come true. :)

♥ lighting the candle
light up my wish and life. ^^

♥ gather at Jeanie's house and her daddy

♥ The dangerous driver stop at the middle of road in-order to take photo with them
movie day with Darren, Alice and Winson (not in photo).

♥ handsome with pretties
ps: we need a real and good peach blossom. plss. ^^