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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

my day ♥ ♥

*but I don't know swimming*
by the way.. I know swimming with the "dry way"..hahax

Doctor said:
cantik sekali~~ hahax..(is the wound but not me) ==''''
okay.. can't eat those sea food..
after 5th May.. you even can go swimming already..
so this few days must take care so. and use the medicine.

hmm.. since he said can swimming..
suddenly feels like wanna go Sunway Lagoon.
play with the water.. play with the "sun" lolx

when?? who?? when?? who??
the "brain" keep on planning it.. wahahax
who wanna join me.. put your hand up xp

Saturday, April 16, 2011


dad: Mong~~ why the car so dirty!!!
me: keep raining mah, is like that geh lor..
dad: you never wash???
me: 2 months lo..xiixii
dad:!@#$%^& ... go wash car then..
me: okay.. later laa~~

******after 2 days******

grandpa: why so free don't want wash car?
me: going geh lar.. more awhile sin..
dad: you haven't wash car ar??!!
me: waiting my mood of washing car comes to me 1st, very tired ar..
dad: okay, don't want wash then next time can't drive!!
me: aiyor.. this few days not free mah.. go now go now..sigh~~

wash car is a freaking TIRED job for me, but I do enjoy with it =)
If washing car can let me slim down as lose atleast 2kg once I washed one car..
I really don't mind to wash 3 cars in a day..sigh...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

保持愉快の心情 ♥ ♥ (本人心情分享)

近来开始阅读一些书籍. nmm.. 可以说是生活上多了个爱好吧..的确地, 爱好不但可以打发发闷的时间还可以让生活更充实,满足和愉快. 学到老活到老嘛, 对吧.. =)

一直以来向往自由生活的我开始对生活有了更多想法和感悟也发现自己是个超级大矛盾之王. 不喜欢被人家管着的我却很在乎别人眼里的那个我. 明明很在意的东西却还要一副大好人老慈悲的装大方. 明明不开心还要不停埋怨自己太小气看不开. 不擅于撒谎却很擅于掩饰, 所以老是被误会. 虽然很容易被揭穿谎言但是辩护的能力是一级棒的哦..那还不是为了那张放不下的“皮”.. 真心话老成变谎话, 开玩笑的却老被当真心话.这还真的是个大玩笑. 没关系啦, 反正有时候就连我自己都弄乱一通. 笑一笑就好嘛.

我是个爱群体活动而且超爱玩的人可是有时却爱玩“自闭”症. *想体会那种诗人的寂寞*.哈哈..开玩笑的啦. 可能就只是单单想要静一静的沉淀自己当我觉得我的心开始“猖狂”.. =='' (有点想要打自己哦, 一副大道理老文人酱.) 哇哈哈..XD 不过当一个人沉闷时的确会容易感到不愉快, 那倒不如学习尝试新事物还会让生活带来更多新的乐趣.

依赖是我的一大坏习惯,不管是男是女是熟悉的还是刚认识的有得依赖我都不会抗拒. 我是个胆大却超缺乏安全感的小妞。这也是我正在慢慢克服的坏习惯。懒惰有时是它的源头,所以我也该更新我的antivirus系统了,要不然我会很快就“休克”了。懒虫看你往哪逃!! 哈哈.. 因为我知道如果太依赖他人,对他人的期望高,就容易失望。要避免由失望所带来的痛苦就要有凡事自己努力的去做好的观念。

我有的朋友不是很多..但有几个知心朋友还真的是件好事哦。自我闭关后我还是会回到朋友的身边哦。=) 空闲与朋友的相聚闲聊,就乱聊一通,海阔天空的聊聊不但可以互相增长知识还可以吐心事解烦恼。朋友会在身边支持你帮助你提点你安慰你照顾你,朋友会是你成长路上一个重要的角色。她们可是我的信心和勇气的来源之一哦。


勇于认错学习宽容大度是老爸从小学就一直提醒我们的道理。我有做到吗?有时... ... .. 哈哈。可以说是还在学习中。爸爸经常告诉我不要怕吃亏有失才会有得。这也是我一直坚信的道理。

刚刚不知为什么的和爸爸聊啊聊就聊到情侣拍拖的事。一开始应该是问我有没有男朋友然后就说到某个亲戚的情史...爸爸说男女拍拖应该要有责任心不是说分就分的。那一开始干嘛要一起。我就说不合就分咯,爸爸立刻就说我“你就是这样咯,不可以这样的...” 可是哄那时又是您说不开心就不要一起的咯就算结了还可以离婚的。看吧.. 我的矛盾病可是遗传的哦.. 不管怎样,应该坦诚对待信任彼此。

Monday, April 11, 2011

exam = war

yea. Final exam was passed by today.
It is a kind of release!!
It is a kind of relax!!
and the most important is ... ..
there is a way that goes to HOLIDAYS!!! =)
but the impact of this war was so cruel..
I will show it with the picture that without any covering.
the terrible dark circle is so COOL!! ==''
better don't get shock..wakaka..
the sleep time was turn around and around..
either 12am to sleep or 7am on bed..lolx

*just ignore it if you felt ugly*

anyway.. It's OVER and over..yea ^^
I will turn on my healthy "light" again..


I will going to Hong Kong for travel soon.
I do excited on it. xp
go for 1 week, I just can't wait for it..
I think I gonna spend lots in this trip..
again next coming semester have to get a DSLR as well..
it is for my course's uses..
just hope I can get some part time job in this sem break,
and get to cover my wallet's "lubang"..lolx

Hapi Holidays



Saturday, April 9, 2011

我.. 那就是我..

我喜欢专一的感情, 多角恋太累了.