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Friday, December 23, 2011


ks: 有时候试着不去在乎那些烦恼你反而会更幸福开心。

Thursday, December 22, 2011

第二天 - 月度只有音乐的日子

天天想你 - 張雨生

當我停立在窗前 你愈走愈遠
我的每一次心跳 你是否聽見
當我徘徊在深夜 你在我心田
你的每一句誓言 迴盪在耳邊

隱隱約約 閃動的雙眼
藏著你的羞怯 加深我的思念
兩顆心的交界 你一定會看見
只要你願意 走向前

天天想你 天天問自己
到什麼時候 才能告訴你
天天想你 天天守住一顆心
把我最好的愛 留給你

累累地闷闷地, 这个时候最容易让emo入侵了。因为没有力气,精神去抗拒。我讨厌这个时候的自己,就因为你有心无力,不能抗拒。睡了一整天,就像个废人般,原本计划的东西都没有实行到。不能按计划行事真的是很讨厌。感觉上时间不足,有点担心。考试压力又来了呗。令人乏味的臭东西,远离我吧压力先生!今天整个人就很不舒服一直到现在也就是凌晨时分,才真的有力气喝个热饮上个网打发下不能专注温书的时间。好想吃汤圆哦,现在是冬至了好想念我的家。傍晚给了妈妈个电话,当时我有气无力地吃着饼干也就是我的晚餐,妈妈告诉我她正烧着饭炒着菜。接着我那不争气的眼泪就这样划了下来。想想如果我在家的话就不用担心餐餐吃什么;如果我在家的话就不用忧心是不是又一个人在宿舍用餐;如果我在家的话就不用吃到那么重味精的食物;如果我在家的话... ..是多么的幸福呀。如果,每次都如果,能不能就实际点啊!不管啦我就是讨厌孤零零的日子就算平时有多么志气的说我不怕。人在心情不好还是生病时埋怨特别多。无言... 天天想你这歌听了数千回,不同的版本不同的歌手我都听了,还是那么的好听。那应该是应景吧。前晚看了以前一直想看的单身男女,吴彦祖和古天乐主演的爱情电影。有几幕还真的是很感动,想想如果这世上如果是真的有十一郎的话我还真的会唱王菲的我愿意。不过就想想就好了吧,那也只不过是个荧幕上反映着人们想要的炯景罢了。不喜欢那些我在意的人对我过度地油腔滑调,不喜欢那种暧昧又拖泥带水的关系。那种自讨苦吃又不认真的感情我宁愿割爱不要!只要加点诚意那感觉多好呀。好吧我还是面对现实点吧,就偶尔有点期望就好了不然失望的机率超高的说。听听Canon Rock Version 发泄下。哈哈哈,好无聊的我。音乐还真的是不能欠缺的生活一个乐趣啊!


Saturday, December 17, 2011







想让我的生活更加的充实更加的有意义。所以我一直在改变, 更加的进步。



哈哈哈。为未来的我干杯... =.='''' 


一个人没什么不好的,有时也是种自由。就让我多享受这种自由吧。我还有家人朋友呀。干嘛那么悲啊。> < 我的人生还有很多很多的事要完成呀怎么可以那么轻易的就被其中一项打败了呢。一路上我不停的学习着,或许我会做错决定或许我会走错路。可是如果不是错了又怎么会更进步呢。得不到谅解没关系。人活着就是预料中会犯错然后再纠正嘛。对自己要有信心。不要用别人的尺来测量自己还是怀疑自己。人往往不会看见自己的缺点,又是要通过某些人某些事来得到。比如说:就好像我们不会知道自己吃完饭后其实牙齿塞着菜渣,越是要通过朋友的发现还是路人的取笑后你才会发觉。有时我们是需要被提拔。而有时面对困难时还真的是不想面对,可是这路上如果我连自己都不帮谁还会帮我呢。没有东西是理所当然的。我们都是为了某个目的而活着。




Thursday, December 15, 2011

Part time Job

Job Job Job.
Fun Fun Fun.

There were 3 Jobs in my life so far..
learned lots, appreciate the chance been given by my friends..
Three of the job was out of my plan and also my expectation..
I do enjoy the working time even it's bit tired, and rushing all the way..

for the 1st part time job in my life, It is being a boutique shop worker.
It's a good experience as well, working there with my classmate.
after clean up the shop, check store, It's time for us to play around, chit chatting..etc
but now we were not that close as last time, I am quite miss the moment all we spent through.
anyhow.. no matter what happened,
at least it been a sweet memory as part of my mind that in my study life.
yea.. come to the 2nd job, It is being a promoter for the new product launch.
I need to wear like a nurse, stand for 10hours long by the way intro the product.
working with my partner, xiao wei. which a funny girl who like movie lots.
1st day, there was an uncle, I guess he was around 70 years old.
he come to me and asking for more information,
after explain to him, he told me that,
:"hold on ya, I am waiting my women coming"/ 偶阁女人
*it's in Cantonese actually*
the way he voice out is kind of confident with smiling face..
my heart was melting at the moment. maybe others might think it is nothing.
but if you was in the situation, you can even felt the love they having..
It's kind of confirm, kind of love, kind of proud. sweet dou...
during the working days, I was staying my classmate's sweet home.
I like the feeling of home, no matter it is mine or not. It just simply warm me.
my friend and her brother fetch me to work and also back home after work.
arw...the feeling of waiting people coming fetch me is so lovely and happy.
I do enjoy with her family in the weekend, we travel around, eat lots..
besides, I do having a women talk with a gang of cute friend.
plus a little chubby boy_ah bii
even I was exhausted but I still join them for 3rd round..
 two words - LOVELY  。JOYFUL

*the center one was our customer* lol

one week after that, my ex house-mate was asking me to join her to working at IT fair.
umm... It's quite interest me, plus it is a camera company.
yawn.. I am INTERESTED -- LOL
I rejected another job invite, and join her.
CANON - Delighting you always
IT fair was 3days event located at IPOH Stadium.
working for camera company, of course I learn lots as well.
they sell compact camera, digital, SLR, video cam, lens...etc
there are Nikon, Olympus, Canon, Fujifilm, Sony...etc
I have to memorize down all different price from different model and different brand.
besides that, what function of each camera, what specialized on it. how to function it..etc
before working, I note down all the details, 1st time so hardworking for job. lol
1st day I still confuse and keep refer to the paper I prepared. It two pages full @@
 after half day time, I can even memorize down 3/4,
so proud of it. final exam can as this jau awesome. zz
my colleague is from Penang, they were total in 5 persons.
some still studying as us, and one of the guy was having 4.0 in USM somemore.
seriously have to "face wall and think twice" (面壁思过)
other than that, there was me, my friend and her classmate.
the working time was so relax and happy.
We do serious and hardworking when serving customer.
but We also play hard when there are no customer.
after that, I miss them actually.
*funny apps by Ipad*

Bernice-Janessa-Vivian-Bee Kuan


after work, 3 gals were super excited cause is time to MEAL
we reached ipoh tong sui gai, and ordered lots of food..
at the end we can't finish it @@ hahaha.
phew... once we reach my friend's home.
3 of us lying on the bed with air-condition room.
friend's mom keep come in and ask us to bath..
we just like, alright..going geh lar.. more awhile and awhile...haha
auntie is a kind person who very IN plus open mind.
she keep ask me add her in facebook when my friend not with me.
she is funny sometime, just like my mom.. lovely women again =)
everytime when I done my bath, I straight away sleep die like a pig.
as I always the last one to bath, and they actually waiting me for chat around.
but I always spoil their plan, no matter how they stop me to my sleeping way.
due to extremely exhausted I seriously can't feel anything but sleep.hahaha
-home sweet home-
I don't feel like to leave the house when it's time to back kampar.

*lazy cat after work, edited by Vivian. CUTEzzz*
credit to sweetie Lai

ah Bee's spirit world

Bee's cheer up moment again...

_sharing & learning_ 
Try not to dislike but appreciate.
Try not to regret but live harder.
Try not to judge but understand.
Try not to except but accept.
Try not to hold but let go.
Try not to escape but fix.
Try not to ask but give.