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Saturday, March 10, 2012

It's March

lazy make everything worst. alright it's time to wake up! don't wanna life as this, It's too messy that always make me emo =( it's too slow. It ain't what I want. relax?? happy?? NOnoNO!! just get to know that, you're not cup of my tea. well, speak louder than word. I should begin and do some action.... from now onward. 

recently keep falling sick, and skipped few classes cause of not feeling well. body ar body, why you're so weak??!! but I look strong right. hmm... have no idea toward this ill body sometime. No, I gonna be more stronger and healthy. fall sick ain't a good feeling. It's not my style =D 

not being rely on anything so much, cause leaving is hurt. people always say, No Pain, No Gain. but what you wanna gain when you know that it's going to suffer the pain?? the feeling of painful? LOL

alright, it's time to sleep. good night world. =)

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