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Sunday, April 25, 2010

START of something new long? or short?

who KNOW it?

do YOU still remember......

when you are a baby?

and do you know when you will GONE?

HOW you gone? is an UNKNOWN.

when the world is changing,

when you are getting old,

you can't to stop it, or pause it.

do the thing you never do!

( not include illegal act)

go the place you never go!

( even a kampung)

don't feel regret when something wrong!

( change is only thing you can do)

feel grateful because you are here!

( other is going die now)

be optimistic to face everything!

( sorrow will bring you to hell)

learn more to bring up your mind!

( use your brain completely)

help other who need you!

( think! when you are helpless, what you want.)

START it now!